Catch Phrase 潮流詞語 – 太(tài) 傻(shǎ) 太(tài) 天(tiān) 真(zhēn)

//Catch Phrase 潮流詞語 – 太(tài) 傻(shǎ) 太(tài) 天(tiān) 真(zhēn)

Catch Phrase 潮流詞語 – 太(tài) 傻(shǎ) 太(tài) 天(tiān) 真(zhēn)

Hi! Folks. Welcome to Rainbow Chinese, I’m Christina.

We had some interns working in our office recently. They majored in teaching Chinese as a second language, and would like to work as a teacher after graduation. So I thought they would try their best to adjust to the working environment and workload. But what happened has proved I was too young too simple.太(tài) 傻(shǎ) 太(tài) 天(tiān) 真(zhēn)

太(tài) 傻(shǎ) means too stupid, 太(tài) 天(tiān) 真(zhēn) means too simple.

We use this phrase to describe someone considers something too superficially or simply.


For example:
nǐyǐwéiɡōnɡzuònǔlìjiùnénɡshēnɡzhímɑ ?
你以为工作努力就能升职吗 ?
tàishǎtàitiānzhēn le !
太傻太天真了 !

You thought you could get a promotion if you work hard? You’re too young too simple!

Once again


nǐyǐwéiɡōnɡzuònǔlìjiùnénɡshēnɡzhímɑ ?
你以为工作努力就能升职吗 ?
tàishǎtàitiānzhēn le !
太傻太天真了 !

All right, add our wechat to get more information about living, working, traveling and studying in China. Our wechat is rainbowchineseschool, no capital letters, no spaces.

Here is Rainbow Chinese. I am Christina. See you !

